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DEERFIELD, NEW HAMPSHIRE: Our town has options. The young adults of Deerfield deserve the best high school experience possible. 👉🏼 See frequently updated FACTS about High School Options on this site and join our Facebook Group to engage in the community’s discussion.

DONATIONS are Now Being Accepted for direct mailers & yard signs. >


No student is exactly the same… Why should their education be? Students should have the right to receive an education where they will learn & grow to their highest potential.


Each student has their own story and family history. Children need to feel safe in order to excel in all aspects of life. Their high school should nurture their individuality.


Introducing school choice options increases the overall quality of local schools due to competitive pressure. Having a choice also increases likelihood of aptitude success!

Share Your Story

We’re always looking for our community’s support to help share facts about school choice in NH. Does that sound like you? Volunteer today and be a part of our movement. Email [email protected] for opportunities to help.

Join Our Cause

Join our team of like-minded everyday people who simply want better opportunities for the youth of the nation. Every voice is heard, every hand is held, and every soul is equal. You’re invited to make a difference with us.

Lockers - High School Choice NH

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

– Ben Franklin

Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.

– Malcolm Forbes
Deerfield Deserves High School Choice - NH